Winter Pavlova

Spicy orange pavlova

Bittersweet, and a little spicy. Crisp yet flaky and soft.

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I love a pavlova, the underrated dessert. We’re all caught up with the cake VS pie debate. They’re light with an airy squishyness. Crisp yet flaky and soft. Pair them with a nice whipped cream, mouse, or cake, and is a party. This recipe is geared toward winter. spicy orange black tea and dark chocolate fit the brisk mood. It’s light with a touch of bitter sweet warmth.

If you don’t like all the talking you can skip to the printable recipe card bellow 

Winter pavlova prep

Pavlovas for the holidays

Pavlovas are a great holiday dessert but not that common for the time. They make a stunning centerpiece dessert. Mini pavlovas work well in dessert baskets too. Pretty gaudy, but that’s what the season is about. It’s something sure to impress your friends and family. Pavlovas are light but this recipe had a warm spice from the spicy orange black tea. The chocolate adds a little more depth as well. You’re sure to have extra egg white from making egg nog. A winter pavlova is a perfect use for them. No waste here.

Pavlova Meringue

meringue prep
meringue prep

Pavlovas are simply just baked meringues. There are 3 main types of meringues. Italian, Swiss, and french. The first two slowly cook the egg whites but we don’t need to for the chocolate pavlovas. They get baked in the oven for a while. French meringue just gets whipped with sugar and that’s it. However, meringues and pavlovas can be pretty technique-forward. Whipping the whites and then adding the sugar slowly are paramount. The goal is to create a stable and strong foam. Slowly whipping the whites creates small air cells that won’t deflate rapidly. Gently adding the sugar after the foam starts adds structure to the foam. Cream of tartar stabilizes the foam preventing it from deflating and adding structure. It adds a marshmallow like texture to the pavlova. It’s a whole science. In lamens terms, take your time and go slow.

winter pavlova meringue

Straight forward flavors

Eggwhites are a blank canvas. That allows a lot of room to play with flavors and texture in pavlovas. Most are just topped with whipped cream and berries but there’s a lot to explore here. Each component is highlighted in the dessert. Try topping with jams, poached fruits, granola, nuts, etc. Flavoring the Pavloa itself is fun too. Vanilla isn’t the only extract on the market. Almond and hazelnut are some fun alternatives. experimenting with liqueurs and spirits is edgy too. smoky mezcal pavlova or maybe a amerato. I’m just spitballing ideas with you to make after giving this recipe a try. View this chocolate pavlova as a way to step your foot in the door.

Toping the pavlova is another exciting part. When writing this recipe I had a full list of possible toppings. It was too much just for one pavlova. Most recipes you see around just get berries and maybe kiwis ontop but lets have fun here.

  • cayenne
  • poached pears
  • chipotle powder
  • apples
  • tea powder

They’re are so many possibilities here. Dont let my recipe keep you in a box.

Pavlova shapes

Pavlovas can take a few different shapes. Some are large and dome-shaped. Others are thin and layered like cakes. Mini pavlovas are pretty common too. Whichever shape your pavlova takes just be sure to adjust your cook time. Don’t be afraid to open up the oven and stick a toothpick in them. If it’s coming out dry, you’re good. Sizing your pavlova is a great way to match the mood. Sometimes having small mini pavlovas is the way to go. A large chocolate pavlova is a stunning centerpiece though.

Winter pavlova baked


I’ll say it. Vanilla extract is overused. It’s in every baking recipe you find around. Switching it up and using a strong tea is phenomenal. Don’t get me wrong. I love vanilla too, but we can make something much more interesting. The spicy orange black tea pairs well with the chocolate and oranges on top of the pavlova. It’s subtle but there. I grabbed a blend from Cup of Tea here in Oregon. It’s a great blend in the dessert and for drinking.

If you can’t get your hands on her blend don’t fret. There are so many orange tea blends. You can find them at just about any supermarket or maybe a local shop near you. I’m always game for supporting local business’s.

Take a break from cake and pie. I won’t say pavlovas are in, but they have their spark. Light and airy with fun garnishes. They’re a fun dessert to play around with. The extra egg yolks are perfect for making eggnog too.


As always. Thanks for stopping by the blog. Hope you have a blast with this recipe.

Winter Pavlova

Bitter swee t pavlova infused with spicy orange black tea and dark chocolate.
Servings 6
Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
cooling time 1 hour
Total Time 2 hours 20 minutes


Spicy orange pavlova

  • 4 (120g) Egg whites
  • 1C (220g) Caster sugar
  • ⅔ C (100g) Dark chocolate
  • 1 Tbsp 12g) Corn starch
  • ¼ tsp Cream of tartar
  • 2 oz (59g) Hot water
  • 2 tbsp (2g) Spicy orange tea


  • 1/4C Marmalade
  • 3 tbsp Cocoa nibs
  • 1 Orange (sliced)
  • 2C Whipped cream
  • Grated chocolate


  • Preheat your oven to 300F. Line a large baking sheet with partchemnt paper. Place the chocolate in a microwave safe bowl. Microwave for 30 seconds and mix. Repeat until the chocolate is fully melted. Or use a double boiler to melt. save for later use. Heat water until almost boiling. Pour 2 oz into the tea. Steep for 5 minutes then strain. Chill for later use.
  • With two bowls seperate your egg yolks from egg whites. Place the eggwhites into a mixing bowl fitted with whisk attachment. save or discard the egg yolks.
  • Add the cream of tartar to the egg whites. On medium low speed whip until frothy. It should look like soapy water. Once the whites are foamy slowly add the sugar one tablespoon at a time. The egg whites should start to thicken and look glossy. Mix until the egg whites are thick enough that they hold stiff peeks. Add the cornstarch and mix on low to incorporate. Then slowly add the black tea while i'ts mixing. Remove the whisk attachment and gently fold in the chocolate just until the meringue has chocolate streaks.
  • Place a dollop of meringue underneath each corner of the parchment paper. With a spatula place the meringue in the middle of the cookie sheet. Form a 9 inch circle, and smooth the edges. Bake at 300F for 40 to 60 min. Until the Outside is crisp and the inside fully cooked. Use a toothpick to stick in the pavlova. it should come out dry when done. Allow the pavlova to cool for 1 hour.
  • Top the pavlova with whipped cream. Add dollops of marmalade, chopped peeled oranges, cocoa nibs, and gated chocolate
Author: Anfernee Milton
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: contemporary, French
Keyword: baked meringue, chocolatechipcookies, meringue, oranges, pavlova, savory dessert
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