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Sous vide Honeynut Squash

Sous vide honeynut squash with fall aromatics. With spiced brown butter, it's the perfect winter squash recipe. Great for meal planning too.
Servings 2
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 40 minutes
Total Time 50 minutes


Sous vide Butternut Squash

  • 1.3 Lb (600g) Butternut squash or Honeynut Squash
  • 1 sprig (8g) Sage
  • 2 sprigs (3g) Thyme
  • 1 stick (2g) Cinnamon
  • 5 tbsp (75g) Brown Butter
  • 1 sprig (3g) Rosemary


  • 1/4C (56g) Labneh
  • 2 tbsp (16g) Crushed Hazelnuts
  • 1 Thyme Sprig


Sous vide Honey Nut Squash

  • Pre heat your imersipn circulator to 194F
  • Slice the tops and bottom off of the Butternut squash or Honey nut squash squash. Cut in half from top to bottom then in half again. They should be about 3 to 4 inches wide. If using larger squash cut, them again to the width above, season with salt.
  • Add the butternut squash, butter, thyme, rosemary, sage, and cinnamon to a vacuum bag and seal.
    * those without a vacuum sealer. I use a ziplock back and leave 1 corner slightly unzipped. Place the bag in the water and use a spoon to press it down. Keep the zipp above water. Once most of the air is out I carefully zip the corner closed.*
    Sousvide for 35 to 45 minutes. When done let the squash rest in the bag and cool down.

Finishing sous-vide honey nut squash

  • Cut the Butternut squash into roughly 1-inch pieces or leave it whole after the sous vide.
    Add additional brown butter to a pan then add the honey nut squash. Sautee for about 1 minute until the squash gets a little color. Season with salt to taste.
    Spread the labneh on a plate and top with the sous vide squash. Sprinkle with picked thyme and toasted hazelnuts.
Author: Anfernee Milton
Course: dinner, lunch
Cuisine: American
Keyword: autumn recipe, fall recipes, goards, Honeynut Squash, sous vide butternut squash, sous vide squash, sousvide, squash, winter squash